
At 91³Ô¹Ï, we view the fine arts as playing an integral role in forming one’s heart, cultivating one’s moral imagination, and developing one’s aesthetic sensibilities. Thus, the fine arts are fully curricular here 91³Ô¹Ï (i.e., they are required for all students, PK-12).


The idea of music as “soulcraft” is as old as Plato, who said, “Musical training is a more potent instrument than any other, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul, on which they mightily fasten, imparting grace” (Republic III). With this idea in mind, we attempt to tune students’ hearts through exposing them to objectively true, good, and beautiful music. All students take music two or three times a week, learning music theory, technique, history, appreciation, and composition. Students in all grades perform at least two times a year (fall/spring).


At Regents, art is also a virtue-promoting activity. Studying excellent art reveals the nature and meaning of reality to students such that they desire favorable attitudes and virtues. Also, the “art of gazing” upon excellent art awakens in students the kind of wonder and awe that draws them to the true and good, thereby increasing their intellectual and ethical capacities. Our art program is highly integrated, including art technique and theory, history, appreciation, and criticism. Students showcase their work at various school venues as well as local and national competitions.


As “rhetoric performed on stage” that intends to move a person toward wonder and contemplation of that which is true, good, and beautiful, drama at Regents includes instruction in physical theatre, character development, acting, speaking, expression, movement, staging, and production. Drama is offered to 6th – 12th graders and culminates in a year-end performance.